Wellness Packages

For businesses, schools, hospitals, and organizations

We’ve all heard it - wellness programs increase productivity in the workplace. People feel more effective and less stressed at work with a regular mindfulness practice.

The University of Michigan Research Center determined that for every $1 spent on wellness in the workplace, an organization can expect a $3 return in savings or benefits. A regular yoga/movement practice can lower stress and feelings of anxiety or panic, increase productivity and creativity, boost morale, create a sense of camaraderie, and it may even lower the amount of sick days taken over time.

Also, the practice can be fun and invigorating, a perfect way to break up the work day.

At school, kids thrive with breaks to move their body and relax their mind. They perform better and bully less.

Individuals recovering from serious illness or navigating a life-altering diagnosis will benefit from simple tools that keep muscles moving and breath flowing as much as possible. This practice also makes space for acceptance and presence, and both are critical for establishing a new lived reality.

Classes are typically 60 minutes long and are either in-person or online via Zoom or Youtube. If in-person, it’s ideal to have a private space with enough room for people to spread out a bit. It’s not always possible, so don’t worry! We’ll make do with what we have.

Movement, breathwork, and meditative practices are always beginner-friendly and considered “all-levels.” If your organization wants something specific, just let me know. We can do restorative work, we can be active and build strength, we can focus solely on meditation - it’s your oyster, or whatever they say.

Both one-time rates and package deals are available. Typically wellness programs do better as a series than as a stand-alone event.

Single session rate, either in-person or online: $125

6-8 session rate, either in-person or online: $100

10-12 session rate, either in-person or online: $90

*Prices will be adjusted for distance traveled (if out of town), session length, number of attendees, and frequency of sessions

*Online options include livestream via Zoom, or pre-recorded via Youtube

Benefits of mindful movement:

  • Access to unused or underused muscles

  • Practice proper posture

  • Easier breath

  • Healthy movement patterns

  • Joint stability

  • Increased strength and stamina

  • Overall wellbeing and general fitness

Benefits of proper breath:

  • Lowered heart rate, breathe rate, and blood pressure

  • Decreased sympathetic tone and increased parasympathetic tone

  • Increased gas exchange in the body

  • Increased lung capacity

  • More diaphragmatic movement which in turn increases stomach function efficiency

  • Less heartburn and hernia-like symptoms

  • Full movement of rib cage which increases elasticity in the spine, neck, and shoulders

  • Increased production of nitric oxide, a panacea molecule in the body

  • Increased alpha wave production and brain wave coherence

  • Shorter recovery times and increased endurance

Benefits of a mindfulness practice:

  • Shrunken amygdala

  • Thickened prefrontal cortex

  • Reduction in bio-markers of stress and inflammation (C-reactive proteins, interleukin 6 and cortisol)

  • Less perceived pain

  • Positive alteration of the expression of over 1700 genes linked to regulation of the immune system, blood sugar, and metabolic pathways, cardiovascular health, and circadian rhythm

  • Stress reduction

  • Better memory

  • Increased alpha waves

  • Lengthened telomeres

  • Regulated melatonin production

  • Increased cerebral blood flow to the brain