Musings on the Autumn Equinox - Fear and the Chaos it Carries

We want balance, homeostasis, harmony… but HOW???!

I’ve sat, and sat some more. Asked, meditated, thought, journaled. What is going on in the world, because it’s dense and we’re tired. The usual at this point right?

It’s time to let go. It’s what we get to mirror this time of year, at least in the northern hemisphere.

Fear, and the chaos fear creates in our body and mind, is a huge part of what has created the heaviness of this period of time. Inner fears become self-created demons. What we are trying to hold at arms length we are actually just holding, and it’s closer than we may realize or want. The delusion of control has taken us out of our power.

The grip keeps it embedded in our system and we live and re-live the experience of it constantly. It determines the parameters, the limits, the hard edges of our existence.

We gotta let it go.

Most healing and growth modalities across time and space focus specifically on this very notion - acceptance, surrender, release, getting real… whatever name it’s given, it’s about shedding, unwinding, taking away things we (falsely) cling to as real, innate, aspects of self.

How do we let go? Move beyond intellectual understanding towards embodiment and life-shift? Because it’s probable that if it were easy, or at least easy enough, we would not be clouded by the individual and collective problems we currently and consistently navigate, which makes this work all the more critical. For ourselves, for the people we love, for the world, for the present, for the future.

We do it the same way we do anything. We visualize and we practice. Lather, rinse, repeat baby - little by little, again and again, until the very end.

The process is everything. It is in the churning of the ocean that the gifts of practice are culled to the surface. There is no hurry as there is no end. Our timing is perfect because it simply couldn’t be anything else. You aren’t ever too late. You are only ever right on time.

And it’s no secret, letting go makes S P A C E. When we clear out we find clarity. Messages are less scrambled and easier to trust. The most powerful and meaningful knowing will come from directly within. We just need to be able to receive.

On the other side of fear is absolutely everything. Love, creativity, play, exploration, joy, peace, adventure, YOU. An attuned, present, authentic life filled with magic beyond imagination. Boundaries feel limitless because they have expanded beyond recognition. This is the power of releasing control.

Practice. Process. Practice. Process. Layer by layer we offer to the earth that which is old and simultaneously unearth that which has always been. You got it. Love to you as you move with, through, and beyond.


Practice as Preparation for Death


Energy Update May 2022