Energy Update May 2022

We wear heavy shells. They keep our feet dragging and our minds distracted.

There is much to uncover and we have become too entangled with the most superficial layers of self. It has become too easy, too automatic to believe this is all we are.

Where can we open up? One small crack - a questioning, a forgetting, a breath - is enough to realize we are not the burden of unchecked human conditioning we continually carry. We are being asked to move through all which holds us down and back, but to first recognize there is something to release because it is the recognition that will break us free from the belief we are inherently, only, all that we need to let go of.

Letting go is challenging. We will feel like we have nothing to hold on to if we do. But we are not meant to hold on. We are meant to flow. What is meant to stay will stay, what is meant to be will be, without grasping. Effort is required but forcing out of fear will get us nowhere - it will only take us further from the ultimate.

Change is built into the makeup of material being. It holds its hand out as a friend, not an enemy. All we have to do is take it and trust that we are safe, that we are free. Moving from this level of awareness is the revolution of the evolution of consciousness.

Acting in the deepest alignment of flow is how we will move not only through our own shells of condensed, stagnant energy but also those of the collective. Outdated power structures keep us all shackled to false beliefs and a constant state of fear. Arbitrary (but very real) power dynamics keep most of us subservient and in various states of suffering. In the truest reality there is nothing to claim from or over one another, but to get there in this dimension aligned action is required. It starts at home, in our own systems, because that is what we take out into the world when we act in coordination with others. Power is for all of us and exists in all of us. Power is what we understand more than what we do.

The time is now. Start to shift. Breathe and expand the light within. We are nothing but light in material form, and we cannot let the material program run rampant and forget what we are capable of creating, especially with each other, together.

We must see beyond what is right in front of us. It is the only way to create something new, as in a world that will not only survive - because that is obviously under threat - but also flourish beyond our current imagining. We are not looking for that which has been lost. We are building something that has not yet been. Together is how we do it, as aligned and connected individuals.

Always together.


Musings on the Autumn Equinox - Fear and the Chaos it Carries


Anxiety and Panic Attacks