Energy Update March 2022


The collective energy is in flux. We're all affected. And this makes total sense, we're all aware of what's happening in the world, of the global upheaval. 

At the moment things are heavy. Like a backpack full of rocks we can’t take off. Physically our neck, shoulders, spine, and tailbone may be tender, sore, achy, and temperamental. We’re emotionally temperamental too. Agitation and anger, grief and overwhelm. There is consistent energetic movement and it’s like our eyes and our mind are unable to settle. It’s making us dizzy, as if we can’t find stillness. So we have to actively cultivate it.

If we're unaware of how we're being impacted, this unease may be causing us to take our frustrations out on ourselves through things like self-judgment and self-criticism, or even on those closest to us.

When life gets this way, it’s easy to try and ignore it. To numb. The thing is, the intensity and discomfort are gifts, if we accept them. They are cracks in the stone, places where air and water can flow directly into our hearts and restore its glow. We are being encouraged to turn towards rather than away from our experience, one of our greatest teachers. When we acknowledge exactly what we are feeling we get to explore why, and maybe even discover the root(s) of our discontent. This knowledge is powerful because it grants us an opportunity for meaningful action.

If you know why you're upset you can do something to alleviate it. Plus, you get the benefit of learning more about yourself, your triggers and your needs. You build trust inside your own system because you are willing to listen and commit to making the change that is being asked of you. Also you uhh, feel better. 

This is in some ways simple, but it's truly not easy. What's moving around right now is deep, and what may be coming up is stuff that's been with you for a lifetime - and by stuff I mean emotions, belief systems, ingrained behaviors, memories, physical sensations... it shows up differently for everyone. I say it a lot, but this is the grand invitation. You don't have to do anything. You get to. 

So this month dense personal material is coming to the light. Trust that whatever is making itself known is something you can absolutely handle. It wouldn't be flirting with your awareness if the subtle elements of you didn't believe it was ready to be seen and navigated.

If you are wondering where you fit into the world, what your role is and how to access that, you are likely being exposed to what may be preventing growth in that direction. We all have purpose here, and I'm not talking about preordained destiny. I mean that every single action we take ultimately affects the whole. It can sound trite, but how we treat ourselves, the care we take in our day to day life, has an impact AND when we are present in daily life we have the space to think beyond the borders of our own skin. When we have compassion and understanding for ourselves, to any degree, because we spend time learning about our inner landscape, compassion and understanding becomes possible for other people. It's not about agreeing with everyone and pretending as though everything is great. It's about getting real, so real that we recognize one of the ultimate truths - we're all Divine, we're all connected, and we are absolutely all in this shit together. 

Below is a 20 minute meditation focused on grounding, clearing, and listening. First, we'll connect to earth energy so we are anchored in our bodies and the present moment. Then we'll use breath and visualization techniques to clear our system of the energetic gunk we are ready to release - we'll get ambient noise out of the way. Finally, we'll listen to what needs to be heard. Grant yourself time afterwards to reflect and take care, maybe a shower, maybe some journaling, maybe a hot drink. It's worth the time. YOU are worth the time. 

Guided Meditation - Youtube


Anxiety and Panic Attacks


big black birds