In a time of quick fixes and clickbait, where’s the depth?

In the work.

We’ve heard it before, it’s not a new concept - there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

It is time to do the work. Little by little, again and again, we get there. To the places we seek inside of ourselves, to the states of being we wish to inhabit.

I know we are all trying to feel better, to realign our bodies and minds and spirits, to regulate our nervous systems in a world that is wholly and sometimes terrifyingly different every morning we rise. We deserve these things! We have an unquestionable right to feel good inside our bodies, to feel safe inside our minds, to feel curious about and to traverse the spaciousness of our souls.

We deserve to work on ourselves and discover what naturally arises from that process.

Learning to move through space from a deep connection to the center, to the core of ourselves, helps us not only in the physical plane but also the mental, the emotional, and, if we’d like, beyond into the energetic and the spiritual.

General physical fitness and strengthening as well as introspective energetic exploration can commingle to bring us closer and closer and closer to ourselves, and ultimately to each other. When we understand what we’re capable of as well as what gets in the way of feeling grounded and connected, we learn who we are beyond our habitual actions, beyond our conditioning. The more we understand ourselves the more compassion we hold for all beings.

I work with people anywhere along the journey who are ready to DO. THE. WORK.

I specialize in Pilates and functional movement - let’s get rid of distracting aches and pains, and clear the channel to be an open vessel.

I also specialize in various energetic modalities and philosophies including Yoga, Reiki, and the [Akashic] Records - let’s explore the shadow, as in not yet illuminated, aspects of self to recognize both the permanent and impermanent elements of who we are.

We are worth the time and the effort, and what a blessing it is to be able to do it, to access our own depths and find always more and more possibility. To expand the boundary of capacity inside of ourselves is not some grueling, straining, desperate, impossible task. We were meant for this. It’s dangerous to make promises in this field, but I will confidently promise you that once you get started, once you commit to maintaining your practice whatever it may be, you will continuously be surprised at and encouraged by the infinitude of your spirit and the power you wield to transform your reality, every single day for the rest of your life.

The not-so-secret secret, the supreme gift of existence, is that the work never actually ends. Doing and being, being and becoming, are meant to intertwine and pulse and play and dance, for all the moments we are alive.

So let’s do this.

For more details on modalities, check out the services page